best business music for hold systems

On Hold Music Studio has “hold music” so good the DJ’s are rock’n it. Check out the linked blog article to the website.

Here is the picture you will find there.

So Good The DJ's Rock It

On Hold Music Studio produces audio content for businesses. They have licensed music libraries and professional voice talents ready to produce audio content for all of your business needs. For more information visit and learn about their products and services.

On Hold Music Player


An on hold music player is the device responsible for broadcasting audio content to your callers while they wait on hold. There are many types of on hold music players available on the market today but the two most common players are the USB units and the networked based devices. USB on hold mp3 players require user interaction, meaning that when it’s time to update your on hold music and messaging you will need to physically remove the USB drive from the on hold player and update the audio content at your computer. The networked based on hold players connect to your local network and update automatically. There is usually a little more set up time involved, but in the long run it’s convenient.


This is a question I often receive via email and there isn’t really a right or wrong answer. If your phone system has internal on hold functionality then it is possible that you don’t even need a player. If you require a player, then you will have two major factors to think about. First is price, the difference between a USB device and a Networked device could be a few hundred dollars depending on the manufacturer.

You Can Contact On Hold Music Studio at 1-844-673-2779 for more information. Or Visit us at